Starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed
Starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed

starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed

Normally, buildings and destructibles will lose their footprints when they have a customized height.New Unit flag: Footprint Ignore Height.(Negative height won’t work unless the unit has the ' Ignore Terrain Height' flag set) This is similar to what can already be done with doodads. Pre-placed units in the terrain editor are now able to change their height freely with the X-Y-Z Translation Manipulator.Set 3: Baneling damage vs Roach Drop damage.Set 2: Zergling Evasion vs Intensified Frenzy.Zagara and Queen Life and Energy Regeneration Zagara’s Life and Energy Regeneration Mastery now applies to Queens.Enables all of Voraun’s crowd control effects to apply to Heroic units.Combat unit damage reduction decreased from 50% to 25%.Sirius’ Warhound Turrets and Vega’s Dominated units now benefit from their creator’s buffs.Outlaw bonus damage changed from a flat 75% to 30% per Outlaw recruited (including Tychus).Top bar cooldowns are now increased by 50%, down from 100%.Science Vessels gain the Hyperjump ability.Laser Drill lock-on time reduced by 70%.Laser Drill movement speed reduction increased from 50% to 70%.Laser Drill splash damage increased from 50% to 100% of base.

starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed

  • Mecha Locusceptors now benefit from The Best Oil.
  • Infested Banshee pickup ranged increased.
  • Infested Banshees gain a Load All button.
  • Now additionally increases the rate at which Infested Siege Tanks generate ammo by 200% with the Automated Mitosis upgrade.
  • Tech requirements for the Armory and Orbital Command have been removed.
  • Renamed to Backwater Marshal to more accurately suit the commander’s lore.
  • Now increases the cooldown of Griffin Airstrike by 300% instead of disabling the ability.
  • The Factory and Starport no longer have tech requirements.
  • The other two production structures will have their charge times increased.
  • Reworked such that it now reduces unit charge times on the first production structure (Barracks, Factory, or Starport) an Elite unit is built from instead of the Barracks.
  • starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed

  • Contaminated Strike’s bonus damage decreased from 100% to 25%.
  • Queens may place Creep Tumors off of creep.

    Now grants Queens full movement speed off creep.Renamed to Unconquered Spirit to more accurately suit the commander’s lore.Talis’ Ricochet Glaive ability cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.Zweihaka’s life bar is now a different color from Dehaka’s.Dehaka and Zweihaka’s maximum life are no longer reduced.Project Power Field’s energy cost increased from 10 to 25.Artanis now starts the game with a Power Field deployed.You may now warp-in permanent Destroyers from the Mothership at a cost of 125/75.


    Summon Death Fleet no longer comes with free Destroyers.Summon Death Fleet initial cooldown removed.The Mothership and its Destroyers no longer receive reduced stats from this Prestige.The Warp Prism for the bonus objective will now announce its planned path 20 seconds before moving.The mission timer now starts with 90 additional seconds.Reduced text for multi-region broadcasts.Features larger numbers and icons for improved mobile and couch viewing.Previously seen earlier this year at IEM Katowice and War Chest Team League.New observer interface added, “Pro 2020”.Activated ability that increases attack speed on a cooldown.Acid splash heals friendly units in the blast radius.The previously demoed Splitterling, which spawns two, smaller Banelings upon detonation.A new, Raptor-like variant called the Hunter that can leap up cliffs and into the middle of unit formations, or.Mutation lets you select one of the following on a mission-by-mission basis:

    starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed

    Yes, this means you could create an army of 600 Swarmlings. The Swarmling, which spawns in groups of three instead of two, and only costs 1/3 food instead of the usual 1/2.The Raptor, a Zergling that does more damage, and can leap up cliffs and into combat, or.Here's a unit-by-unit breakdown: Zerglings

    Starcraft 2 campaign increase game speed